Back to business

Blogging is second only to coding in terms of priorities when I’m sitting at my computer.
So if I haven’t been blogging – I must be working on something sweet.
And I have been. Besides my duties at RadioTail, I have a bunch of other little goodies in the works.

The fact is – I’m an entrepreneur. I’ve always wanted to do 8000 things at once. If I’m not – I feel like I’m not being productive enough. In that way, I can’t only do one thing. So, I’m working on a lot of little projects, mostly in Ruby, and learning a lot as I go.

Stay tuned for some real details.

One Response to “Back to business”

Nate Says: #

ooo… I can’t wait to hear what’s going on…


QuirkeyBlog is Aaron Quint's perspective on the ongoing adventure of Code, Life, Work and the Web.




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